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EU-UNAWE at the Scientix European Conference 2011
27 July 2011

From 6-8 May, European teachers and education activists gathered for the 2011 Scientix European Conference in Brussels, Belgium to discuss new innovative techniques for brining science to the classroom. The EU-UNAWE team participated in this event, giving talks and providing educational and informational materials.

The conference, which is financed by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, aimed to bring together members of the science education community to share recent projects and discuss new teaching methodologies. Pedro Russo, UNAWE International Project Manager, gave a talk on EU-UNAWE's recent successes and upcoming projects. He distributed Earthballs to teachers in the audience, and discussed their usefulness in the classroom.

EU-UNAWE also had an exhibit with educational resources for teachers and information about the EU-UNAWE programme. Many teachers were not only excited to hear about EU-UNAWE, but were also thrilled to share materials and activities they were developing for their classrooms!



Pedro in Action
Pedro in Action