The Earthball is a fantastic tool for discussing our planet with children, combining playtime with education!

Cecilia Scorza, EU-UNAWE Germany

Writing a Space Scoop in Seven Steps

by Sarah Reed (Originally published on CAPjournal #13)

Formal and informal primary education has traditionally shied away from the latest scientific breakthroughs. Yet sharing the excitement of the latest scientific discoveries is one of the best tools that we have to inspire the public — including young children. The question isn’t whether astronomical news can inspire children, but how we can best communicate this information to youngsters.

The IAU-endorsed programme EU Universe Awareness has now produced more than 100 astronomy news stories for young children, called Space Scoops. It has successfully tackled a wide variety of subjects — everything from dark matter to cosmic reionisation. This article reveals the tips and tricks used to craft science news stories for children.





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